11 Celebrity Buzz Cuts that Will Inspire Your Next Hairstyle


It’s buzz cut season. With guys all over the world living without access barbers, more men are making social media appearances with short buzz cuts. There are plenty of mens buzz cut styles to consider, but the classic buzz cut is easy to manage, requires no professional barber experience, and can be done safely at home.

You’re probably wondering if a buzz cut is the right style for you. Can you actually pull it off? There’s no easy answer. All heads are different shapes and sizes, so a buzz cut will look different from one person to the next. It’s best to not worry about whether you can pull off a buzz cut and better to focus on if you can make it another month with the mop you’ve got growing on your head.

Think of your next Zoom meeting. While you might think you’re channeling Jared Leto on the red carpet, your boss might think Tom Hanks in Castaway. So to help answer the worldwide Google search of ‘Can I pull off a buzz cut?’ we decided to pull some inspiration from male celebrities that prove buzz cuts and well-groomed can coexist.

Celebrity buzz cuts have popped up more over the last couple of years than ever before. While there’s a lot more that goes into a celebrity buzzing their hair, like considering how the world will react, you can relax knowing you have a lot less at stake. Without the stress of worldwide judgement resting on your shoulders, the decision to buzz your hair doesn’t seem as stressful, especially since you won’t be leaving your house anytime soon.

From street style to formal wear, these celebrities rock their buzz cuts and set the bar high, but if they can do it, then so can you.